IDW regulars Scot and David Tipton are on writing duty for this four-part series (they also wrote Fool's Gold and The Q Conflict). They are teaming up with artist Greg Scott, who is returning to Trek for the first time since working on a couple of Marvel Star Trek books in the 90s (including the final issue in their own DS9 series), working now with colourist Felipe Sobreiro.
The book is available in no fewer than five covers, all featuring Odo, who is the focus of this series. The A and B covers both go with an Odo lurking behind a bulkhead image, either illustrated by Richardo Drumond on the A cover, of a photo B cover. Two retail incentive covers both feature the same artwork by JK Woodward, which captures the explosive setup to the series. You can get this either with a cool pulpy title treatment, or an art only version, which is available in more limited numbers. Finally there's another photo-cover, available as a convention exclusive, supposedly for Wondercon, which would have been in April along side the original planned release of this book, had both not been either cancelled or delayed by the Covid crisis - No idea how you're meant to get this cover now if you fancy it!
Continue below to check out all those covers, plus a five-page preview.
You can continue reading the rest of the book by picking up a copy at your local comic book shop, or from online retailers like these: Ebay, Things From Another World, Forbidden Planet, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes. Or if you're happy to wait to read the whole series at once, the omnibus edition is already up for pre-order, for an expected December release.
To keep track of all the latest Star Trek comic releases, hit the comics button on my 2020 schedule page. You can also find reading lists for several Star Trek comic series on my Trek Collective Lists site.

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