The German subscription model will be the same as the UK and Ireland, with the subscription extras coming every two issues (rather than every few months as in North America). The Euro price will be €4.99 for the first issue, and €14.99 for each subsequent issue.
Michael also noted that he had not come across any sort of promotion for the launch in Germany. Curiously, when asked about the German launch just yesterday, The Collection's Facebook page continued to suggest fans still need to keep an eye out for an announcement some time in the future. Which leads me to speculate Michael might have come across a test launch, as was the case when The Collection first turned up in the UK.
Meanwhile The Collection continues apace where it has launched already, with UK subscribers already up to issue thirteen. Looking ahead to issue nineteen, the USS Stargazer, Forbidden Planet have recently listed the issue, including a higher res version of the previously released image, so we can get a closer look at the model:
The Collection's Facebook page has also posted an updated image, of the second larger special issue, the nuTrek USS Enterprise. The new images now shows the Enterprise with blue bussard collectors. They've also given the UK and Ireland publication date as the 6th of March.

Back in the prime timeline, Mark Rademaker has posted another image, showing the latest iteration of his USS Voyager Full Circle refit design:
Mark also posted a description of the process he has created to allow the refit to have happened in-universe in a short period of time:
Imagine a Baryon sweep procedure, but this time with a replicator beam. Absorbs the ship in small "caked" layers, and reorders what is needed to make the new design. Does not work for all parts so some manual work is still required. Consumes an enormous amount of energy, so it can't really compete with a more traditional way of constructing. Still in my eyes this was the only way to get the refit done in the small gap between the events in Destiny and Voyager leaving for the Delta Quadrant again. The mission was important enough to justify this method.Finally, a new fan film project in the works, Star Trek: Futures, is to feature Tobias Richter's rendition of the Andrew Probert's concept art design for the USS Enterprise-C (as featured in Ships of the Line 2012). They have released a short animation by Richter to promote the alternate timeline miniseries, so we can enjoy seeing the proto-Ambassador in motion:
That Enterprise-C is seriously sexy. Way more stylish than the actual model they built.
And I just gotta say it: I hate that Voyager redesign. It just ruins the balance the original design has. The only kind of refit I'd really like to see would be one to get rid of the silly moving-pylons.
I agree with you Fox about the Voyager redesign. Except for the saucer separation which early designs showed could be done to the original model, there hasn't been anything that really indicates a major redesign of Voyager in the books. I think Voyager looked fine in the first place and hope they continue to use the classic look on any upcoming book covers.
Pretty sure that's just a photoshopped version of a previous image of the nuTrek Enterprise. It doesn't show the nacelle reg (Which I'm hoping they have fixed)
Wohooooo, finally in Germany!!!
Yeah, I started reading up about the fan film.
Lost all interest when it became apparent it was a nuTrek fan-film. ~__~
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