Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Awesome new video game style Trek shirts

A new bunch of retro video game inspired Star Trek T-shirt designs from Trevco have appeared on Amazon. A couple of them also use the Trexels characters, including the best of the bunch, a most excellent Star Wars parody, "Kirk Phased First" (though I think he's accurately using his bamboo cannon there):

You can also help Worf select his weapons:

They've invented a Star Trek arcade game for another, called Tribble Trouble (which I really hope someone decides to make as a browser game or something):

And then there's a big pixely Worf head, because he's "Every Bit a Warrior" (get it? hahaha, hehehe):

1 comment:

  1. Those are pretty sweet. Most especially the tribble one. Bubble Bobble was my GAME back in the day, so it's great to see it referenced here.
