"In the 23rd century, the workers in a mine engage in civil unrest after two murders,” says Keith, giving us a short teaser for the story. “A QuchHa' (no forehead ridges) is murdered, but it's ruled an accident with little investigation; in retaliation, the HemQuch (with forehead ridges) who likely killed the QuchHa' is also murdered, but his killer is condemned to death. This leads to riots and violence beyond the capaibility of the mine supervisor and his security chief to handle, so the Klingon Defense Force sends in three QuchHa' captains to deal with it: Kor, Kang, and Koloth."
The article also makes a brief mention that DeCandido has something new coming from IDW that has yet to be announced, and desires to do more. (Could this finally be the TNG: Redshirts series announced a little early in the end matter of Echoes and Refractions? UPDATE: As pointed out in the comment below, DeCandido lists a one-shot for June on his website, so maybe an issue of Captain's Log?)
Unreality SF has posted one of it's typically excellent author interviews
First of all , thanks. :)
Could this finally be the TNG: Redshirts series announced a little early in the end matter of Echoes and Refractions?
Well, on his Livejournal he has his unannounced comic listed as "Star Trek comic book one-shot TBA (IDW)":
Doesn't really sound like it will be a series (at least not one by him solo).
My pleasure, you guys really do do great articles!
And that's a sort of shame, I'm eager to find out what that series was! (Reshirts as a title for a 24th century series??). Guess it'll probably be one of the issues of Captain's Log then...
Gracias intiresnuyu iformatsiyu
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