There has been the usual barrage of information from Star Trek Online as it comes nearer to its release, now announced as February 2nd, and now with box art and system requirements!

Some of the highlights from this part of the Online history include the revelation that Species 8472 have been manipulating some of the major races to bring about the Online-verse's state of all out war, and that due to the Klingon victories in the wars when you play on the Klingon side you'll also be able to play as some of their recently conquered subject species; the Gorn, Nausicaans and Orions!
And if one video isn't enough, here's a new trailer too:
And a two part guide to space combat!
There have also been plenty of interviews and articles. One explaining the "episode" structure of the game can be found, here. Which explains the game at launch will come with three seasons of forteen episodes with plans to add more in future. While another article explains that he Federation part of the game takes most of the directed story telling, with users playing as Klingons to be focused more on player vs player gameplay. The Federation also get more ships, with sixteen ship configurations customisable into forty-eight different designs! While the Klingons get to work their way through thirteen configurations.
If videos aren't enough there's also the usual guzillion new screencaps, here're a few highlights:

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