"Other Star Trek projects include an aliens spotlight on Tribbles by Stuart Moore and Mike Hawthorne titled “The Trouble with Humans.” Keith R.A. Candido and J.K.Woodward are creating Star Trek: Klingons, for which Woodward said he will be “debuting two different styles” for the first two stories, and the last story will be drawn “in [his] original Fallen Angel style.” A Romulans special will tie in to villains of the new movie."
So I'm confused; just a couple of months away from Alien Spotlight starting they still aren't announcing all the issues, and are referring to the Klingon issue as it's own series? Is this Romulan issue (or issues?) a Spotlight? *looks clueless*
The Klingon issue has Kang telling three different stories at three different points in his life -- so it's still a single issue, it just has three 7-page stories in it. *grin*
And JK went with a different art style for each story.
Yah, I had, at some point, not sure when... got the gist of the multi-story thing going on with your issue. Made me wonder if maybe newsarama got a bit confused themselves.
It wouldn't be the first time Newsarama was confused. *laughs*
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