Intel's tie-in website with the new movie has been updated with an interactive spinning model sort-of-thing of the USS Kelvin, which has various little details you can look at to get technical specs.

The text descriptions seem nice and loyal to
Trek-tech lore, though reveal some curious details about the arrangement of the ship. The top section, with the deflector at the front, appears to be mainly a huge shuttle bay, while the lower section is the warp nacelle, though from the description might be the entire warp engine: "
The Kelvin has a single warp nacelle housing the ship's warp drive engine. Two rows of massive semi-circular warp-field coils produce a powerful subspace field that bends space around the ship, allowing for faster than light travel." So some sort of engineering section-warp nacelle hybrid?
The pop-up menu's also give as a look at crew, in their pre-
TOS uniforms, which like the new main-TOS era uniforms seem to have remained reasonably loyal to the original Pike-era uniforms but with a contemporary twist.

Check out the Kelvin section of
the site to explore the rest of the details of the ship.