Saturday, 31 May 2008
Mirror Images #3 is... TNG?

Friday, 30 May 2008
Alternate Realities Fan Collective
TV Shows on DVD.com have reorted
I had a vague memory of a StarTrek.com poll on the Fan Collective sets suggesting a set like this which contained all the mirror universe episodes and a random assortment of other alternate timelines/reality episodes …and after a trip to google I found that poll - if Paramount stick with that original plan the set will include the eight mirror episodes plus a selection from the following:
Fits in rather nicely with all the mirror universe and alternate reality stuff coming out of Pocket and IDW lately.
Thursday, 29 May 2008
IDW previews Intelligence Gathering #5 and Enterprise Experiment #2

Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Scary Romulan and a pretty starship

Friday, 23 May 2008
Assignment: Earth #5 cover + #1 review

And as the first issue of this series was out this week, I offer the following mini-review:A Gary Seven series, sounded like a winner from the start to me. By John Byrne, I was a little less enthusiastic about as I really didn't enjoy his art much in the Romulans Alien Spotlight. The Alien Spotlight did have a cracking story though and this continues with Assignment: Earth, Byrne is really quite a good story teller, and that really makes his comics work. The art I still find a bit dated in places, but it's a little more fitting a style for 1960s Earth, so it works. And it is only the style I find jarring, the art in terms of story telling, variety and dynamism is superb. Overall, the series is off to a strong start with the fun and interesting story in the first issue. Go buy it.
Medical Tricorder

Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Mirror preview

UPDATE: Meanwhile over at David Messina's blog the artist has released an updated version of that wraparound cover:

Monday, 19 May 2008
And then there were two...
The month does include a new omnibus and this posting sees the first look at the cover for the forth issue of the Assignment: Earth miniseries.
Assignment: Earth #4
Mysterious alien technology. Senseless death. And a growing awareness that there may be those beyond our world who don’t want to see Earth survive! Seven and Roberta face their greatest challenge yet… an invasion from the most distant regions of the Galaxy! The penultimate issue in John Byrne’s first-ever Star Trek spin-off!

Intelligence Gathering omnibus
One year ago IDW’s Star Trek comics launched with Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Space Between, a series of six stand-alone issues. Now, prepare for the latest voyage of the Enterprise as the creative team that brought you Klingons: Blood Will Tell tackles an all-new TNG mini-series. Collecting all five issues of the Intelligence Gathering series, written by Scott & David Tipton, with art by David Messina, and amazing photorealistic variant covers by Joe Corroney.
Saturday, 17 May 2008
The fifth race

Friday, 16 May 2008
Preview art for Byrne's Romulans (and Klingons)

Thursday, 15 May 2008
Star Trek Magazine May/June

The theme of this issue was Star Trek: Enterprise and followed a similar format to the last issue's DS9 special; with a season by season description broken up with various articles on the series and other features. As is the case in many of the issues of the magazine since it's relaunch for publishing on both sides of the Atlantic this edition includes articles by a host Star Trek authors - including features on Enterprise by Chris Dows, Christopher L. Bennett, Kevin Dilmore & Dayton Ward and Keith R.A. DeCandido, plus an article looking at the cowboy and diplomatic characteristics in James Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard.
Another much appreciated addition to the magazine over the last year or so is the fiction preview excerpts. This edition's is from William Leisner's A Less perfect
Since it's relaunch, with a new emphasis on Star Trek prose and comics, I think the magazine has really improved. And the last two issues especially have a feeling of real substance old issues lack - a lot less fluff and much more really interesting thoughts and analysis on whichever subject is being written on. Keep up the good work Titan. My only issue with this issue: The format has changed, again! The last issue was a very nicely presented prestige format binding, this issue keeps the new smaller page size that came with that, but returns to staple bind. Come on Titan, give us some consistency!
In terms of news form this issue, the big stuff - details on IDW's Alien Spotlight II - spread over the web a few weeks ago with the American release. What wasn't mentioned then was IDW's Andrew Steven Harris was also careful to bring up IDW are keen to continue delivering Pike (and April) era stories due to the "enormous" number of requests they are getting for that era - We got two Pike stories in the first Alien Spotlight, here's hoping that continues in number two.
The magazine also had a short article by Michael Jan Friedman looking at his own prequel story, Starfleet: Year One. He explains the story, first serialised as a back-up feature over a year's worth of novels, was planned to be the first of a seven book series, but was scraped when
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Starship Spotter: The Next Generation

Mojo highlights his disappointment with the final print quality of the book and that ever frustrating page break that splits every one of the shinny CGI renders of the starships in the book in two. He "wished we could have personally provided new & better renders for everyone who bought the book", and now has gone some way to doing that; Recently while looking through his archives Mojo re-discovered some new renders he had produced which took the wireframes from the book but used more complex colour lighting to give them a whole new look. Mojo and Bonchune had hoped to get these renewed wireframes into the book but had come up with the idea too late after their deadline so they never made it. But here is one:
And if you look at Mojo's original post you'll find another of the Enterprise-E along with a type-10 shuttlecraft, the Delta Flyer, a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, a Hirogen ship and Defiant, Nova, Constitution, Prometheus, Miranda and D7 class starships.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Retro Gorn

Aliens at IDW
A couple of tiny bits of new info on IDW projects:
In a post at the TrekBBS IDW's Trek editor Andrew Steven Harris has announced which of the Alien Spotlight II issues he will be writing: The Ferengi. He also announced the artist on Keith R.A. DeCandido's Klingon issue will be J.K. Woodward who is painting the artwork for the issue.
Meanwhile on his own forums, John Byrne has release some preview art for, and announced the title of his forthcoming Romulan miniseries sequel to his Romulan issue in the first Alien Spotlight series. The series is "Romulans: The Hollow Crown" and starts in September.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Dawn of the Eagles excerpt

Go forth and read it, here.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Myriad Universes covers

Sunday, 4 May 2008
Turnaround #5 cover

Friday, 2 May 2008
New Greater Than the Sum blurb

The Starship Rhea has discovered a cluster of carbon planets that seems to be the source of the quantum energies rippling through a section of space. A landing party finds unusual life-forms inhabiting one of the planets. One officer, Lieutenant T'Ryssa Chen -- a half-Vulcan -- makes a tenuous connection with them. But before any progress can be made, the Rhea comes under attack from the Einstein -- a Starfleet vessel now controlled by the Borg. The landing party can only listen in horror as their comrades are assimilated. The Borg descend to the planet, and just as Chen accepts that she will be assimilated, the lieutenant is whisked two thousand light-years away.
A quantum slipstream -- instantaneous transportation -- is controlled by these beings in the cluster, and in the heart of the cluster there is now a Borg ship. Cut off from the rest of the Borg collective, the Einstein cannot be allowed to rejoin it. For the sake of humanity, the Borg cannot gain access to quantum slipstream technology.
Starfleet Command gives Captain Picard carte blanche: do whatever he must to help the beings in the cluster, and stop the Einstein no matter the cost.