The TOS calendar will feature the usual assortment of promo photos and captures from the episodes and films with a CGI centerfold image by Robert Bonchune (new feature? I haven’t a clue as I've never even looked at these promo shot collections... this year, I shall). Here's the cover Amazon have up for it:
The far more exciting Ships of the Line calendar, full of lovely new original images will "feature several TOS Enterprises (original and refit), a TMP Vulcan shuttle, Shuttle Galileo, DS9’s Defiant, a Species 8472 ship, USS Voyager, a Klingon Bird of Prey, the Enterprise D, and a new TNG era ship designed by Andy Probert". TrekMovie have posted one of the images featuring a Vulcan shuttle about to dock with the Enterprise (given it's square format this is presumably the cover - Amazon have another cover up but that's just a mock-up from one of this year's images). And this image of a Constitution class model in what looks rather like a wind tube, doing a "warp test" apparently:

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