When it comes to legendary men of romance, Casanova, Don Juan, and James Bond are the first names that might enter the mind. But really, there is only one man who can boast that his powers of seduction have taken him where no man has gone before: Captain James T. Kirk.
Captain Kirk's status as an interstellar stud is proven by his ability to seduce any woman, in any situation, in any part of the galaxy. Women from high society princesses to insane asylum slave girls - from blood-sucking shape-shifters to emotion-deprived androids - they all swoon, acquiesce, and malfunction from just one kiss. But a single question remains in the minds of millions of Star Trek fans aboard Starship Earth: how does he do it? Whether you're a guy who wouldn't be caught dead in the self-help aisle, or a gal looking for a gift for a socially impaired friend, the answers for how to succeed with women are inside this quirkily entertaining guide.
The third all-new collection of deliciously twisted Star Trek tales, showing the dark, amoral, alternate versions of Voyager, New Frontier, and Deep Space Nine. This new anthology spanning more than two hundred years of alternate Star Trek history by well-known authors, including Peter David and Keith R.A. DeCandido features a dozen new twisted tales from the other universe - a sinister yet eerily familiar world where history took a different turn, featuring the brutal, amoral, alternate versions of Star Trek’s heroes.

The first two volumes in the Terok Nor trilogy reveal the true story behind one of the greatest tragedies of the Star Trek universe -and the rise of some of its greatest heroes.
A decade ahead of its time, Star Trek: Deep Space 9 began with an eerily prophetic and untold backstory: the military occupation of an alien world, and the violent insurgency that fought against it. Now the forty-year saga of warring ideologies, moral compromise, and embattled faith is given its due.
In Day of the Vipers, what begins as a benign visitation to the bountiful planet Bajor from the Cardassian Union becomes a conflict of competing national interests. Seen through the young eyes of many original and familiar Star Trek characters, the personal, political, and religious struggles between the two sides quickly spiral out of control, shaping the futures of both heroes and villains in an unforgettable tale of tragedy and hope.
In Night of the Wolves, the Cardassians have built an orbital fortress to solidify their power - which will one day become station Deep Space 9. But twenty years earlier, Terok Nor is the seat of the occupation, a place of slave labor, harsh justice, and terrorist violence. One side of the struggle fights for domination; the other for freedom…with both sides fighting for survival.
The catalogue also released this new cover for Klingon Empire: A Burning House (along side a blurb very similar to what has been previously released) and announced that Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany will be reprinted in paperback early next year.
Not the most exciting batch of covers I feel. The Terok Nor ones do look like they join up though, so that should make a nice three book wide image.
UPDATE: As one should expect from information from this type of source this information is all subject to change, some of the things confirmed be the authors to be inaccurate are that the covers for Shards and Shadows and A Burning House are not the final ones and that the blurb for Shards and Shadows was modified from that of Obsidian Alliances, whilst it is partially correct it is not yet known whether there will be a Peter David New Frontier short story in the book as the blurb suggests.
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