During a routine visit by the U.S.S. Enterprise to Aarak 3, a major supplier of dilithium to the Federation, an attack on the royal palace reveals a group of zealots who resent the Federation's intrusion and desire a return to "the pure ways" of the ancestors. Captain Kirk must figure a way to prevent the zealots' coup while not violating the Prime Directive. Written by David Tischman (Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Space Between) with art by Steve Conley, and an additional cover by Joe Corroney.

The decision has been made! The Klingon Empire is in desperate need of assistance, but will they be willing to ask for it? Kahnrah has chosen how to cast his vote in the High Council—the question is, will he survive long enough to do so? It's high political intrigue, Klingon-style, in the grand finale of Blood Will Tell! Artist Joe Corroney once again provides a special incentive cover.

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